Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A detailed calendar showing the school years events

Shortwood Academy Calender
Bitmap Bitmap
‘La educación es clave’
‘Education is key’
Monday 13th -  Friday 17th- Mid Term Examinations
Friday 17th- Christmas Break
Saturday 18th- The Social Hispanic Cultural Festival  
Monday 3rd- School Re-opens
Thursday 27th- Parents'and Teachers Consultation and Collection of Report Cards
Wednesday 9th- Boys' Day
Tuesday 22nd- Staff Meeting with Principal
Thursday 24th-Jamaica Day and Night
Friday 4th- Peace Day
Wednesday and Thursday (March 16-17) Grade Six Achivement Test
Tuesday 22nd- Parents'and Teachers'Association
Friday 25th- Easter Break
Monday 11th- School Re- opens
Thursday 14th- Spanish Exhibition-Showng your talent
Thursday 28th and Friday 29th- Sports Day
Thursday 5th-Childrens Day
Wednesday 18th- Teachers Day
Monday 23rd- Labour Day Luncheon
Monday 15th- Friday 24th- End of Year Examinations
Thursday June 3oth -End of School Term
Monday July 4th- Graduation
Wednesday July 6th-Friday August 5th- Summer School

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