Friday, November 26, 2010

Letter to Parents

‘La educación es clave’
‘Education is key’
77 Shortwood Rd
Kingston 9

                   As your child’s Spanish Teacher, Mrs. Fernandez, a Cuban holding a Masters Degree would like to invite you to a Parent Teachers’ Meeting where she will discuss your child’s progress and the goals of the curriculum with regards to your child’s learning and awareness of the Spanish Language. One of these fundamental goals is to allow your child to be knowledgeable and be exposed to the Hispanic Culture. This goal however, will be achieved greatly with the opportunity of allowing your child to participate in the field trip, in which they will attend The Social Hispanic Cultural Festival to be held at the Spanish Hotel, Ibero Star Hotel in Montego Bay on December 18, 2010. However this event will not be possible without your assistance. Therefore we are looking forward to your support. In this meeting to be held on November 30, 2010, Mrs. Fernandez will further discuss the event in greater details and how you as parents can support the event.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Palmer (The Head Spanish Teacher)

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