Monday, November 29, 2010

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Subject: Spanish
Grade: 5
Date: November 26, 2010
Topic: Qué color es la fruta?
Duration: 40 minutes
Performance Objectives: By the end of the class students will be able to:
a)      Identify at least four (4) fruits in Spanish.
b)      Use the colours to describe fruits after viewing pictures of
c)      Work in groups of 5 to do a creative piece using the
                                             different fruits 
Previous Knowledge:  Students are already familiar with the fruits and colours in English and
                                    some of them in Spanish. Students are already familiar with the articles  
                                    ‘la, el, las, los.’
Key Concepts:             la manzana, piña, la fresa, la banana, las naranjas, las uvas, el mango, la
                              roja, el verde, el marrón, la pera, la néspera, la amarilla, el amarillo, la
                              morada, la anaranjada

Instructional Material:  Edible and toy models made from card board and  
                                     coloured paper, question and answer strips (cartridge paper), word search
                                     puzzle, white board, marker, fruit basket, markers, DVD, laptop,
                                     projector, chart.

Teaching Learning Activities
                                                        Introductory Activity/ Warm up
a)      The teacher will sing a song with the students entitled  “Buenos dias”
 Buenos días
 Buenos días        
¿Cómo estás?
¿Cómo estás?
Muy bien gracias
Muy bien gracias
¿Y cómo te va?
¿Y cómo te va?
                                                                    Presentation of New Material
Step 1                                                     a)     The teacher will introduce the lesson by role
                                                                              playing a market scene in which he or she will
                                                                              be selling different types of fruits. The teacher 
                                                                       will advertise the fruits by singing and
                                                                        identifying each one.
Las frutas, las frutas
La manzana
La banana
Las frutas, las frutas
La piña
La fresa
Las frutas, las frutas
La pera
Las uvas
Las frutas, las frutas
Las naranjas
Las nésperas
Las frutas, las frutas
El mango, el mango
Las frutas, las frutas

Step 2                                              The teacher will then ask the students to identify the different

                                                        fruits by asking the question “Que fruta es?” The teacher will 
                                                        respond by saying, Es ……………………. based on the fruit
                                                        been shown to students. For example, Que fruta es ?

                                                        Es la manzana. The question and answers will be visible to

                                                       students on large strips of cartridge paper. Students will also
                                                       be given the opportunity to practice the pronunciations of the  
                                                       fruits and phrases in Spanish by repeating after the teacher.
Step 3:                                    The teacher will ask the students to tell the colour of the fruits 
                                                based on the fruit shown. For example, the teacher will ask,  
                                               “De qué color es la banana ? She will respond by saying,  
                                                “La banana es amarilla. The students will therefore
                                                 answer in this manner.
a)      Students will be asked to arrange themselves in groups of    5 to do a word search puzzle on fruits and colours. They will be guided by the teacher in which they will be given 5 minutes.
a)      Students will given be the option to do either a poem or
  song depicting colours and their fruits. This will done in
  their notebooks.

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